Home Lifestyle How important are water park themed elements?

How important are water park themed elements?

How important are water park themed elements?

With the rapid development of modern tourism, people’s standards and expectations for tourism projects are getting higher and higher, and the spiritual content of cultural industries has become more and more important. The accumulation of simple water park facilities can no longer meet the needs of more tourists. In the future, water park facilities will become more and more important. The competition in the amusement park will be the competition of theme style culture, and various new styles will emerge.

After some water splash pad equipment companies establish the theme style, they must immediately coordinate the water park unified project, including water park market research reports, each functional area of the water park, water park product planning, games projects, commercial kitchen project budgets, etc., and understanding the planning progress of unified water amusement projects can enable their tourism planning projects to be completed smoothly and orderly.

The enhanced theme style can be presented in each water park facility or venue through features such as games, real-life shooting, animation, and performance stages to present amusement equipment activities with a sense of depth and contemporary flavor. In this way, what visitors experience is not a piece of cold water amusement equipment, but an adventure-themed activity with a sense of mystery or mystery, allowing visitors to reflect some differences from other water park facilities, that is theme stylized charm.

Take the theme of “Ugly Duckling” as an example. Anyone who has played in it will know that the theme elements and equipment include the cartoon image of the ugly duckling. Needless to say when you enter the door, there is a one-stop reception in the Internet celebrity check-in and photo service area. Let you be in a beautiful fairy tale world and witness the past and present lives of the ugly duckling.

In fact, it is not only the “Ugly Duckling” theme water park. Today’s Chenzhou Animation Water World also integrates many theme elements. You can understand it as a collection of huge animation water parks. This theme is suitable for all ages. While entering, you will be attracted by it and will learn about animation and have fun while enjoying it.

As one of the “most popular” water parks in Hunan, it was developed and constructed by Chenzhou Dongchuan Cultural Tourism Industry Development Co., Ltd. with an investment of 200 million yuan. The park covers an area of 70,000 square meters and is designed to accommodate 8,000 tourists at the same time. It has many of the most popular water-friendly amusement equipment in water parks such as super loudspeakers, monster bowls, and Hawaiian water villages.


Shizhuyuan Water World is a water theme park that integrates green ecological return, water play, and leisure vacation. The entire water world is divided into six functional areas, including service reception area, dynamic water play area, passionate fun area, and surfing area, galloping competition zone and passionate swing zone, covering 18 amusement projects such as super loudspeaker, monster bowl, large tsunami pool, etc., combined with modern technology, perfectly reflecting the unique style of the theme.

In addition, there are many similar theme parks, including Qiqihar Marine Forest Park, which can be used as an indoor hot spring, Nanjing Multi-Based Baby, etc., all of which are rich in distinctive theme elements and will not be too monotonous like previous water parks.

Why choose Histar Water Splash Park?

In order to comply with the trend of the children’s economic era, we have always focused on “edutainment and entertainment”. Over the years, Histar has been comprehensively studying the comprehensive psychological needs of children for growth, learning, and play. Different from ordinary children’s water park equipment, Histar continues to independently develop and design fashionable, novel, fun and unique equipment styles to meet the high standards and requirements of modern post-90s parents and children for material and spiritual enjoyment. While satisfying the visual experience and fun, we pay more attention to every detail of the product, strive for excellence, and continue to improve product quality.